The beginning of 2021 was accompaigned not only by the 100 Actions for Peace mid-term report, but also by these Actions for Peace! Right now we have a total of 64 Actions for Peace, and in March we are going to have many more! We’re getting closer and closer to 100 each day.

But what happened  in 2021 so far?

Wikipedia for peace
There have been a lot of online camps that are part of this bigger project “Wikipedia for Peace”. In this case, SCI Switzerland and thir participants wrote 30+ articles in several languages about suffragetes, and had lively discussions around what it means to be a feminist in 2021 and what effects the current COVID-19 pandemic has on gender-related issues.

Check out this Action for Peace here!


The environment explained: Listen, Reflect, Discuss

SCI Switzerland also orgniazed a series of webinars to deepen different perspectives and points of view on the bigger topic that is the #environment. They believe that there cannot be #Peace without Climate and Environmental Justice and it is important to understand how people can contribute to promote a better attitude towards nature and the environment.

The 3 webinars were the following:

  • Zoonotic viruses & Wildlife preservation 
  • Biodiversity & Permaculture 
  • Climate Change & Veganism

Check out this Action for Peace here!


Smashing Nazism!

SCI Austria implemented 2 actinos for peace that were related: in Smashing Nazism, also Today! they remembered the atrocities of the Nazi-fascist regime and the forms of non-violent resistance that took place against it. They were inspired to organise follow up actions in order to stand up for human rights and dangerous trends challenging our societies today! 

One of those actions was the Silent Exhibition: history of Nazism in Austria, that took place on 27th January for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. They deepened the topics discussed in the previous campaign and gave special attention to the non-violent resistance against the Nazi regime in Austria.
We must continue to remember the atrocities of the Nazi-fascist regime to promote human rights and stand against dangerous trends challenging our societies today.

Check out  online Laboratory Smashing Nazism here!

Check out the Action for Peace: Silent Exhibition here! And you can see the exhibtion here!


Stay tuned to hear about all the Actions that are going to take place soon!