keep fit: learn,act,inspire
Action for Peace #99
What happened?
‘JOETZ-vzw’ from Belgium and PVN Albania organized a Study Visit from 7-14 July in Tirana, Albania. The context of Erasmus + Programme was 6 full days Study Visit!
The project “ Keep fit: learn, act, inspire” aimed at spreading good practices; share, learn, inspire and develop skills on healthy life style among youth workers as a way to prevent mental, physical, environmental problems by maintaining a healthy diet, regular mental/physical activity and reducing ecological footprint.
• To share good practices and experiences among Albaian NGO-s, public and private sector and organizations from program and partner countries on healthy lifestyle topic.
• To develop skills of youth workers on 4 main concepts: healthy nutrition, ecological footprint, mental, and physi cal health and how we can use social media tools on mo tivating and encouraging healthy habits and actions
• To build stronger partnerships among organizations, pri vate sector and institutions as key actors on promoting healthy attitudes and actions and develop future project proposal
• To increase awareness and inspiration on healthy lifestyle issue in community at local and European level through usage of media tools; a short video and posters which will be delivered through the online week campaign
• To promote European values, Erasmus +, intercultural cooperation and stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of young people in community.
During the study visit participants worked together on workshops about maintaining a healthy lifestyle; mental/physical through healthy diet, meditation, yoga and other physical exercises, visited organizations and public institutions working on healthy lifestyle Issues in Tirana. During the days of activity we worked on developing a final video and posters for the week of the online campaign.
7th-14th July 2021
‘JOETZ-vzw’ from Belgium and PVN Albania