volunteering for peace
Action for Peace #97
What happened?
Volunteering in the Perspective of Volunteers-The radio show “I Can” hosted by Ndue Ruçi, Radio Tirana 1
The radio show “I Can” is hosted by Mr.Ndue Ruçi with the main aim to give space and opportunities to people with disabilities to share their barriers/ difficulties they face in their daily life, to inspire with their stories as well as to treat different social issues. One of the shows was decicated to voluntarism, its benefits and how citizens in Albania can explore into this field.
This show was developed within the project Vullnetarizmi.al which is implemented by Beyond Barriers in cooperation with PVN Albania and Center “Progress and Development”, with the support of the strategic grant instrument of Leviz Albania a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.
Doljana,Erilda,Greta and Ueda were part of a training course organized by PVN Albania and they decided to share their experience as volunteers in order to encourage and inform youngsters to participate in volunteering opportunities, to gain new competences and to contribute in their community through different services. Moreover, they talked about the project Vullnetarizmi. al which contributes with statistics,data and studies about the progress of voluntarism in Albania and its perspectives as well as citizens engagement.
9th September 2021
PVN Albania Volunteers
- https://pvnalbania.org