The Colombian Spring – conversation about the Colombian crisis
Action for Peace #88
What happened?
During the last months Colombia’s daily reality has been protests against the government, calling for a reform of police, education, healthcare and a respect for human rights. Strikes that started as a peaceful calling for a change of tax reform met with police violence and unfortunately demanded victims. Despite the fact that the situation is alarming, there is not enough international attention to the problem and Colombian crisis remains in the shade of other world problems.
So Zavod Voluntariat decided to organize a live stream discussion with really special guests right from the centre of the problem. The talk is focused on tnhe current situation in Colomibia, witnesses and polemizing about possible solutions.
You can watch the video, where they connected with Colombian families and members of defensive movements and asked them to explain a bit of their story.
- Sidssy Uribe Vasquez – sister of Lucas Villa Vasquez
- Mao – representative of defensive movement Primera Línea
- Simona and Marko – representatives of defensive movement Escudos Azules
15th June, 2021
Zavod Voluntariat – SCI Slovenia