Peace Walk in tirana
Action for Peace #8
What happened?
PVN Albania wanted to cooperate with different groups to promote peace through the streets of Tirana.
“Together we have the power to make a difference.
And always remember, ‘Peace begins with a smile.”
On the International Day of Peace, 21st September, 2019, PVN Albania organized a Peace Walk in the main boulevard of Tirana, Albania. Around 150 young people, including PVN volunteers and students of “Ismail Qemali” High School, were part of it. All together they prepared messages, slogans, posters, banners and walked for 30 min in the main boulevard “Nënë Tereza”.
At the same day PVN held a workshop of Peace meaning, philosophy, understanding and practicing. In the workshop 21 youngsters across Albania took part, who were also part of a national training implemented by PVN (Me, Myself and I: Prejudice free for social change). From that workshop, brainstorming and reflections the group understood and come to the conclusion that peace is not a philosophy, it is our well-being, harmony we have with everything around us, is the good food, good sleep, fresh air, being loved and accepted, being able to think and improve on ourselves, understand the good influence we do have on ourselves, on others.
Gathering on the peace day means that small things can bring big changes, that small thing it can be even a smile given to the walkers in the street, contributing daily for our community, to our surrounding.
The will, commitment, smiles, curiosity, gatherings and actions of 150 young people to celebrate and contribute for Peace are the positive changes they see progressively in our society. It is another path toward youth participation, active citizenship, inclusion, understanding, better society and better region.
Immediately after wonderful atmosphere and good energy and Peace Walk, they experienced a strong earthquake, where everyone was in panic, scared, unsecure, etc. Their Peace was broken for couple of seconds, but with that they understand how important is peace in life, how much good things we can do today, not waiting for tomorrow. That earthquake reminded them to make more for themselves and others, to spread and feel more love.
21st September, 2019
Tirana, Albania
PVN Albania