Tsavo National Park and Chyulu Hills

Action for Peace #71

What is it about?

The aim of the project is to raise awareness about the preservation and promotion of the property; encourage local and international volunteers to get involved and strengthen their skills on heritage and wildlife protection; and develop strong cooperation between different stakeholders.

The park has the largest single population of African elephants now estimated at over 14,000. Kisula Cave Complex found in the Chyulu hills includes extensive lava flows that have created some spectacular craters and hills, and it includes what is currently considered to be the second largest lava cave in the world.

Building on the experience from the previous year’s project, the volunteers will participate in various hands-on activities. Under the supervision of the park rangers of Tsavo National Park, they will learn about the wildlife and the native ecosystem and help in the recording and documentation of the number of flora and fauna during activities such as other activities.

There will also be community outreach programmes, which will serve as a platform for intercultural exchange and provide an opportunity for raising awareness on the property.



14th – 28th July, 2021


Tsavo Parks and Chyulu Hills Complex, Kenya




    • kvsokenya@gmail.com