PAcifism project
Action for Peace #63
What happened?
In early september, SCI Belgium organized a workcamp called “Become an artist for peace!”. Behind that description, they wanted to celebrate the 100 years of the movement with their volunteers, to think back to the core notions of pacifism, and to create a link between activism and art.
They decided to organize the workcamp at SCI Belgium’s main office, in Brussels, in a house in which different associations are gathered, named “The Peace House”. What a symbol! The workcamp was divided into 3 big sections, “Discussing about peace”, “Acting for peace” and “Creating for peace”, which served as their red string.
With 6 young volunteers, they spent a week talking about pacifism. First they read about the meaning and history of it, listened to SCI volunteers and peace activists of older generations and discussed about what pacifism sounds like in 2020.
Among other things, they used a technic of popular education called “arpentage” in order to read articles and books collectively in a short amount of time. Then, they had a workshop about non-violent direct action and discussed about how to act for peace as citizens.
Last but not least, and with the help of two artists (a painter and a dancer), they did some artistic exercises to practice letting go and then they let their creativity flow and painted what their minds wanted to express about pacifism today.
The results of the project – a dozen of beautiful paintings about pacifism, exposed in different places in Brussels city, for everyone to enjoy – brought them joy, pride and inspiration for the future of the culture of peace they are trying to get along in the SCI movement.
7th – 11th September, 2020
Maison de la Paix, Brussels
SCI Belgium