SCI’s birthday calendar
Action for Peace #29
What happened?
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the SCI, volunteers created a birthday calendar that is independent of the year: 100 years of SCI mean thousands of stories about peace, cohesion, friendship, solidarity and commitment.
Among the stories from all over the world and from ten decades, we have interviewed and collected some stories from SCI activists, full-time employees, alumni and project partners in Germany.
The promoted persons describe important and formative personal experiences with the SCI or with people they have got to know as part of their work within the global SCI network. They share their experiences and adventures in a calendar that can be used every year.
You still have the opportunity to order it. Please be aware that the calendar is in German! Just send a short email to and tell us how many copies you want. SCI Germany kindly asks for a donation of at least 5 euros according to your own assessment to cover the production and shipping costs.
As a voluntary editorial team, they got together in the run-up to the SCI birthday to design an anniversary calendar. They distributed the perspectives of 38 different people over twelve months. Quotations were taken from written or personal interviews, which were either recorded on a recording device or writing implements.
They knew from the beginning that the work of the SCI is very focussed and that only individual pieces of the puzzle can be shown in this calendar. They hope that the calendar can give an insight into how many wonderful memories people have had with and at the SCI and how much these people have shaped the SCI itself.
The selection now presented is a subjective selection made by the six members of their editorial team. As SCI activists, they tried to help each other in the search for possible interview partners in various ways: they spoke to personal friends, advertised in the German SCI magazine Amitiés, contacted the German and international SCI archives, various SCI internal working groups and project partners.
They met and interviewed many people in different places during summer. The staff in the office in Bonn helped them with their contacts and also were open for some interviews. SCI Germany is very happy about all the stories that have been told to them, and of course they would love to listen to even more people from SCI. Like every project, this was limited by financial and, above all, time resources.
The calendar was created from the planning phase to the final version over a period of about one year – through countless e-mails, telephone calls, Skype conferences, discussions and visits to the print shop and the Bonn office, especially at two editorial meetings lasting several days in Marburg in October and in Erfurt in December 2019.
During these meetings they put together key words that are still central to their understanding of the experiences explained and life with SCI. Then, they put these key words in relation to concise remarks and photos of the scourged and thus designed the corresponding calendar pages.
After a final consultation with the respondents, the drafts were sent to the printer. They would like to thank everyone who collaborated so that this calendar may now accompany the 100th anniversary of the SCI. But especially they thank the interviewees who shared their personal SCI experiences with them that you can now find in this wonderful calendar.
March 2019 – February 2020
Decentralised, Germany
SCI Germany