Raising Peace 2021

Action for Peace #20

What happened?

2021 celebration in Australia

On 20th September 2020, IVP celebrated 100 years of SCI together with Womens International League for Peace and Freedom (NSW) who also celebrated their centennary.  25 people attended including representatives from other peace organisations and IVP veterans.  Three well known peace activists gave inspiring speeches before we ate cake and drank champagne. 

The Raising Peace festival was held from 16th to 26th of September  2021 where  37 events took place via Zoom over the 11 days. There were a variety of topics related to peace, such as disarmament, environment, women, militarisation, healing the past, youth, international diplomacy, cross-cultural understanding, arts, finding personal and community peace, non-violence, education, First Nations and a special session on Afghanistan.  There were 100 different presenters and speakers and over 1000 people participated, mainly from Sydney but we also had people tuning in from Malaysia, Philippines, India, Africa and Europe and other places.  All the sessions were recorded and are available on the website: raisingpeace.org.au

To quote from some of the responses:  

Bronwen: This was truly the most magnificent event. I am so impressed with the skills and steadfastness I experienced along the way, to the generosity of so many and the most incredibly informative and interesting outcome.
Tim (UNAA): Your initiation of the idea of such a festival in early 2020 was inspirational, and your perseverance through all the restrictions imposed by COVID 19 to develop such a far reaching program involving 30 organisation and 37 events has been most worthwhile. 
Lynne:  Each session I viewed was incredibly well structured, the speakers complimented each other to create synergy and explore deeper processes/meaning. It was great to see involvement of young people too.
Frank: I would also like to thank all those who contributed with so many constructive ideas during the various online sessions. The community building during the festival augurs well for future Raising Peace festivals and related events and activities both online and in person.


Organised by: International Volunteers for Peace, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (NSW), and Independent and Peaceful Australia Network.

Participating organisations: African Women’s Group, AntaR, Architects for Peace, Australia West Papua Association, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition, Australian Network of Museums for Peace, Australians for War Powers Reform, Great Lakes Agency for Peace and Development, HandUp Congo, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network, Initiatives of Change/Creators of Peace, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, International Volunteers for Peace, Knitting Nannas, Marrickville Peace Group, Medical Association for Prevention of War, Pace e Bene Australia, Pax Christi, Peace and Conflict Studies Sydney University, Peacifica, PEN Sydney, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Permaculture, Religious Society of Friends NSW, Safe Ground, Soka Gakkai International Australia, Sydney Peace Foundation, Sydney Peace and Justice Coalition, Uluru Statement from the Heart, United Nations Association of Australia, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom NSW, Women’s Reconciliation Network.



16th-26th September, 2021




IVP Australia


    • admin@ivp.org.au