7 days
peace challenge
Action for Peace #72
What happened?
A group of participants in the Peace in Practice Training Course, in collaboration with the International Secretariat of SCI, designed a 7-day social media campaign to challenge the audience to act for, and reflect on, peace.
From 2 December to 8 December, on SCI IS Facebook and Instagram accounts, we published one challenge per day, inviting people to complete a task and share the result online.
The challenges ranged from creating a peace crossword, to taking the time for an action that brings inner peace, writing a letter to make peace with another person, sharing projects that promote peace in the society, identifying your emotions, practicing non-violent communication and trying out forest-bathing to feel connected to nature. The different levels of peace were explored through the challenges, and people shared their thoughts, ideas and feelings in a very fruitful virtual exchange.
2nd – 8th December, 2020
Online, Worldwide
SCI IS, with participants from the Peace in Practice Training Course implemented by SCI Switzerland
This action was one of the follow up activities of the Peace in Practice Training Course, implemented by SCI Switzerland.