Action for Peace #45
What happened?
In 2020 SCI Catalunya is marking ten years of having launched a series of courses with experts open to the public that were initiated after the outbreak of Araba Spring. The annual session are titled Conflictology and attract a lot of activisits and volunteers. In November 2019 there was a series of 8 sessions about colonialism, externalization of borders and resistance in North Africa. Professionals and specialists who are very often the local witnesses of the events provided inputs, knowledge and the reality the situation of a region from personal experience as well as more academic perspective.
In the edition of 2019, SCI Conflictology course focused on the reality of Morocco, Libya, Egypt and Algeria, also highlighting the struggle and common resistance of civil society in recent years.
In 2010 an uprising which began in Tunisia and spread to the region shook the authoritarian regimes of many parts of the countries of North Africa. Almost a decade after the outbreak of the Arab Spring, there are still many people fleeing these countries seeking refuge and opportunities for a better life in Catalonia and other European countries. The course of Conflictology aims at answering and debate over the questions such as: What is the political and social situation in these countries that rose up against totalitarianism and repression and continue to generate situations of poverty, political persecution and forced displacement
During 5 days in the premises of SCI Catalunya there were organized a number of sessions devoted to:
• Decolonial feminism: to emancipate knowledge, power and being.
• The construction of colonial otherness.
• Externalization of border control in North African countries.
• The women’s revolution after the Arab Spring.
• The Rif, so close and so unknown. A look at the Rifeny Popular Movement.
• The Libyan exception: from the uprising against Gaddafi to the proxy war. Egypt after Tahrir. Algeria: The popular struggle for a rule of law.
• The last session was a round table debate about the resistance and struggles from North Africa to Catalonia.
21st – 29th November, 2019
Barcelona, Spain
SCI Catalunya