This past 5th of December was an important and emotional day: not only did we celebrate the International Day of Volunteering, but also our SCI family and its 100th anniversary, as well as the 100 years of International Voluntary Service. A big thank you to everyone who celebrated with us: more than 100 people, physically distant but socially close!
In the middle of the 80th ICM, we had time to celebrate it, despite the online format challenge. So, what happend exactly?
First, a theatre play on the history of the first workcamp took place. In the online format, played by volunteers and with actual pictures of the workcamp. Have a look!
Of course, we had a cake & candle moment. A lot of people had cakes, candles, and we all sang birthday songs for SCI, in multiple different languages!
We also had some speeches of different people, sharing their thoughts and wishing the best for SCI’s future.
- In the cathegory “Promotion of SCI values and history”, SCI Austria was the winner, with their project “Living Library Vienna“.
- In the cathegory “Refugees and Migrants”, with their project “Umoja-Enosi Football Team“, SCI Hellas was the winner!
- In the category “Peace”, SCI Projets Internationaux (Belgium) was awarded with their project “Become an artist for peace”.
After that, we enjoyed an open floor were different people sang, talked and basically shared a great time. Thanks SCI France for the live music!
Also, as part of the celebration, during the whole day we had an Instagram Takeover! Vounteers from SCI and sister IVS networks had the oportunnity to share their experiences on our Instagram account with the rest of the movement, during the whole day. They were really interesting, and it’s nice to see experiences people have in the movement in different parts of the world. You can see them on our Instagram account highlighted stories
Thank you all for celebrating with us and for making SCI possible!